ctan-mirrors Author: Erik Braun License: CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ Overview ======== This script returns a list of CTAN mirrors sorted by ping time. In addition, the current status of the mirror is displayed, as well as when the last update was performed. Dependencies ============ * Perl * List::MoreUtils (Debian package liblist-moreutils-perl; is automatically installed when using the standard command-not-found utility) * (fping) (Debian package fping; optional, recommended) Installation ============ Copy the file somewhere in your PATH or call it using the PATH name. Invocation ========== ctan-mirrors -h Usage: ctan-mirrors [options] OPTIONS: -m, --max NR maximum number of listed mirrors (default: 20), set it to »0« for the entire list -p --protocol (all, rsync, ftp, http, https) (default: all) -v --verbose detailed output, can help with debugging -h, --help this help -V, --version print version Bugs / Todo =========== Hosts that block ICMP ping requests are not yet displayed in the list, even if the other services are working.